Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Self evaluation of my academic year (2009)

The year 2009 was a year of changes and many new experiences; it was a fun year and also a year that marked me in many ways. The last year I went to “University of Chile”, which was the dream of my life, I went to study veterinary, where I met many nice and hardworking people and good friends too. In 2009 I had to live three major changes, first was to move from school to university, the second was returning from Peru to Chile and the third and largest was to live without my family. I thought that these changes will affect my academic performance too much, but I think I faced them well.

To begin with, I think I entered to University with a not so good academic base in some points. This is because as in Peru have one year less in school I didn´t get to see all of each subject, therefore if something in Chile is taught in one more year, in Peru it had already taught. But I can say that Peru's school had a very good quality to teaching, for example some classes which helped me a lot in university was maths to biostatistics, I was the best in the class so I didn´t have to force myself much to pass that subject, also in ecology, everything I have seen in biology in college. I think because of this there were some classes that I had the pleasure of not giving them too much time.

However, there were some subjects that were a problem for me at the first year of university. For example chemistry, I could not pass it, but to my defense I can say that in Peru I hadn´t chemistry, as we had to choose between chemistry, physics and biology, and I chose biology. Never the less, I think that I could have worked a little more in that, because for biochemistry I put a little more effort and I passed it. Anatomy was also another class that was a big trouble for me, the first half of anatomy I had horrible marks, and I have to accept that it was my fault, I wasn´t given enough effort I was being very conformist, and I didn´t organized or prioritized my time well. I think that living alone it was affecting me and therefore I believed that I could do whatever I wanted with my time. When the year was about to end I realized how stressed I was for the final marks, always leaving things to the last minute, and with time I learned how to organize and prioritize my time without leaving my personal life either.

In conclusion, the year 2009 taught me many things; some of them are that I learned that living alone must bear much responsibility, and within them is learning how to organize to perform well in academic matters. I also learned to balance my study time and my social life, so that I won´t be stressed. On the other hand, maybe I could have given more the last year, still I do not regret anything, because that's how we learn, and then not to repeat the same mistakes, I am proud saying that this year I had a better performance in university and so far I have not failed classes.