Thursday, September 30, 2010


The country I always wanted to go is AUSTRALIA.
This is because I always see beautiful pictures of that place. Also because I really wish some day I could see  marsupials and monotremes, since I was a kid I loved koalas, kangaroos, wombat and tasmian devil. I think they are magnificents animals, very strange and exotic.
Some thinks that I know about Australia are; first that it is a country located in the souther hemisphere, Oceania. It is the sixth biggest country around the world.
Australia is a country with a big diversity, since a huge part of the cauntry is desert or semiarid but also has jungles. Australia is the driest habitated country, and with less fertil soils.
The northern part of the country, with a tropical climate, has a vegetation consisting mainly of rainforests, forests, grasslands, swamps and deserts

Talking about the biggest reason that I love Australia, most of the animals on Autralia are endemic, which gives to the country a huge cultural value. However, a lot of the native species living there are in danger of extinction, the reason of that are human activities and for introduction of exotic species. This really bothers me because they are not valuing what they have, and when they realize what they are loosing, it could be too late.

When I finished school I had the opportunity of study there, but I love more my country and I love being with my family, so I hope some day I could live there (to practice my career) but just for one or two year.

Monday, September 27, 2010


  • Well from what I remember of the system of micros that I find good was that they could stop anywhere, although that has two ways to look it, one is a very positive side, because before you could get off the micro where you needed, the other one is negative, because many times this lead to accidents, was also good that one micro could reach much more places than a Transantiago, since tours of micros were longer. Finally, there were a big number of micros on the streets and they could go faster than Transantiago, so that no giant queues were forming at the bus stops like now with the Transantiago. 
  • The best thing of the system of Transantiago is that is more comfortable for everyone, with everyone I mean mothers with strollers, elderly, and others. This is because they no longer have to climb stairs at the entrance, and even has a system allowing lower the floor for best comfort, also Transantiago is much cleaner and sanitary, mostly for the use of the bip card, and furthermore, it has many more spaces for wheelchairs and strollers than micros. 
  • Some things that I would change of Transantiago is increasing the amount of it on the streets to reduce the waiting time at bus stops, also increasing the amount of seats and that the routes were longer.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My first semester 2010

The last semester was a big change for me because my father came to live with me, in 2009 I was living alone, so it was very nice that my father came to work in Chile.
Living with him makes me very happy because he have a very good relationship, unless we talk about studies, he is very strict in that way, the good news is that the last semester my marks were higher than last year, I guess my dad is very good influence in me.
Also, my pet Bella, she is a beautiful schnauzer, get pregnant, I really wanted that, so I was very happy, it was the first time a saw a birth in person. She had four pretty puppies, they are lovely, they are always following me, but four is a very big number for puppies, they are driving me crazy! they cry, eat and shit all over the house!, I am really impatient, I want them soon in their true houses, but I can not deny that I will miss them a lot! however, I will have the chance to see them very often as my grandmother (where I go every weekend to lounch) will adopt one, also my friends Simon and Samantha will adopt one. It makes me very happy to know that they will have a good house with people that will love them.