Thursday, September 30, 2010


The country I always wanted to go is AUSTRALIA.
This is because I always see beautiful pictures of that place. Also because I really wish some day I could see  marsupials and monotremes, since I was a kid I loved koalas, kangaroos, wombat and tasmian devil. I think they are magnificents animals, very strange and exotic.
Some thinks that I know about Australia are; first that it is a country located in the souther hemisphere, Oceania. It is the sixth biggest country around the world.
Australia is a country with a big diversity, since a huge part of the cauntry is desert or semiarid but also has jungles. Australia is the driest habitated country, and with less fertil soils.
The northern part of the country, with a tropical climate, has a vegetation consisting mainly of rainforests, forests, grasslands, swamps and deserts

Talking about the biggest reason that I love Australia, most of the animals on Autralia are endemic, which gives to the country a huge cultural value. However, a lot of the native species living there are in danger of extinction, the reason of that are human activities and for introduction of exotic species. This really bothers me because they are not valuing what they have, and when they realize what they are loosing, it could be too late.

When I finished school I had the opportunity of study there, but I love more my country and I love being with my family, so I hope some day I could live there (to practice my career) but just for one or two year.

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