Friday, October 15, 2010

Death penalty

Wow, this is a very difficult topic, however I am in favor of the death penalty because people who commit serious crimes such as murderers, rapist and pedophiles should not continue to live because they are unable to reconsider the things they do, they always come back to commit these acts and therefore may never return to society, they are a bad for society and they do harm to innocent people, their families and friends. Therefore this sick people spend the rest of their lives in prison with no repentance, and prisons are full with these degenerate animals, while people who committed smaller crimes, likewise should be punished, the difference is that they could come to repent and not commit more crimes, they are released immediately and therefore does not reconsider and continue to commit crimes. Some people think that they should not be kill because it is the easier way for them and that they will be free from punishment, but I do not really care that they receive punishment, because I think the punishment should stop you from committing a negative act, and clearly these murderers, rapists and others are seriously sick, and will never stop. The only problem I see in the death penalty, is that still many countries such as Chile, are not prepared for this, since they still have a lack on law and order, and an innocent person could be killed.

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